A head-and-shoulders shot of Paul facing the camera with a smile. burgundy jumper and the background is blurred.

Paul Goddard

, BSc (Hons), AFHEA

I am a part time Teaching Associate for School of Computer Science and Informatics which includes work at the National Software Academy. I support modules that complement my industry experience including Software Engineering, DevOps and Software Development Skills among others.

I am currently undertaking a part-time PhD which combines many of my research interests. My PhD is a Human Centered Computing (HCC) project covering how to improve the accessibility of art for people with low vision using Augmented Reality (AR). My supervisors are Professor Yukun Lai and Professor Tom Margrain.


My research interests include Human Centered Computing (HCC), Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR and VR), Accessibility (specifically for people with low vision), User Experience (UX) and emerging technologies.

I am currently undertaking a PhD, supervised by Dr Nervo Verdezoto Dias, Professor Yukun Lai and Professor Tom Margrain. It covers how to improve the accessibility of art for people with low vision using AR. I started my PhD in April 2021, and am currently working my way through the existing research that spans all of the themes of my PhD.

Previous research covers working with tactile and audio interfaces for people with low vision at University of the West of England in collaboration with Dr Benedict Gaster, Professor Carinna Parraman, and Fabio D'Agnano.



A cartoon showing a person with low vision touching a street map, which has a highlighted route plan.

D'Agnano, F., Parraman, C., Goddard, P., and Roberton, N. 2021. Urban Lighthouses and a Tactile City - Bristol. In: AMPS Proceedings Series 26.2. Environments by Design: Health, Wellbeing and Place. Northumbria, UK. pp. 110-121.

Close-up of a tactile print, showing buildings and a park.

Parraman, C., Mandrille, C., D'Agnano, F., Roberton, N., and Goddard, P. 2021. The Engaged Surface - Prints for Visual Sensory Perception. In: IMPACT 11. Hong Kong


Playshell in use outside. A hand holding a clear box is about to tap it onto a printed sign about badgers.

Goddard, P. and Gaster, B.R. 2020. PlayShell: a low-cost, fun audio experience for heritage centres. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Audio Mostly. Graz Austria: ACM, pp. 237–240. DOI: 10.1145/3411109.3411132
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I deliver engaging and effective courses at Cardiff University's School of Computer Science and Informatics through the preparation of teaching materials, promoting critical thinking, and responding to student inquiries. I provide assessments, feedback, and supervision for undergraduate and postgraduate taught project students.

As an active member of the teaching team, I actively participate in course evaluations, reflect on my teaching methods, and collaborate with colleagues to continuously improve our teaching performance. In addition, I handle administrative tasks such as class record keeping and report writing, and prioritize daily work and teaching plans.

As the Lead Teaching Associate, I attend and represent our team at the School Board and School Education and Student Experience Committee. I collaborate with School management, Professional Services team, and TAs on teaching support organisation, internal teaching development, and fostering a culture of collaboration and inclusivity.

Holding Associate Fellow (AFHEA) status, I am dedicated to providing high-quality education and support, and I am committed to resolving minor organizational issues or elevating them to the School education team when necessary, with visibility of TA allocation across the School.